Just for the record, my grandmother's body was just cremated today. I'm sure she's happy with my grandfather now in heaven. =)
Actually this blog is supposed to be devoid of any personal problems (well except for the first post), so I'm not gonna type anything bad. Not that I've anything bad to say, of course. Why? Well. Because I've found my source of adrenaline. It's so effective that everytime I feel down, once I think about it I'll end up grinning to myself. Honestly, it's so much better than let myself be drowned in all the misery that I've been coming across often lately. So, I'm officially happy. =D
Kay, 'nuff talk.

LOL. I literally laughed out loud at that.
Because I can't resist posting.

That's all for today. I'll post a few everytime I go online, so this page won't be overheated. xD