Saturday 20 March 2010

Beast - Shock

I meant to post this song a long time ago but I kept forgetting to do it lol. I wasn't that impressed when I first heard it, but now I like it a lot! It's very catchy and easy to remember. Junhyung's rap part is totally awesome :DD. He has a GREAT sense of rhythm. The MV and live performances are great too! I like the choreography for the "Come back back back to me" part. They all perform really well live; one wouldn't be able to tell they're newbies ^^. I'm really impressed with Yoseob's vocals live! He always sounds totally steady, as if he's not singing and dancing at the same time. He had a cute image during the first mini album promotion days, but now he changed his hair colour to grey and built up some muscle, and dang he looks hot xD. The grey hair suits him much better! I love how the fans sing Junhyung's "Oh lalalalalala" part and Junhyung finishes with an "AW~!" haha. The more I see Kikwang, the more he reminds me of Taeyang, haha ^^;;. Here are the live performances: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. I hope they win an award soon! When I watched the radio performances, I heard clearly how the "'Cos I'll be there~" background part sounds like; DAMN it sounds so sexy! And apparently Yoseob sings it. I had that impression before I found out that he was the one singing okay, so I'm not saying this just because I have a huge Yoseob bias. Seriously!

I'll be honest and say that I was initially attracted to Yoseob because he was SO CUTE in Bad Girl MV, but actually he isn't all that good-looking. When you look at him closely when he's not performing and without all those eye make-up, he looks like a monkeykid lol xP. He's a very good singer though! And good singers are charismatic on stage when they're performing :)). I love his singing!

Beast has its own tag now, because I have a feeling that I'll be pimping more of their music soon xDD. I may watch their shows when I find the motivation to, haha ^^;;.