Monday, 30 August 2010

Siwon, Donghae and Ariel Lin to act in drama version of Skip Beat!



I don't know what to think about this. Ariel Lin is fine; her acting is top-notch and even though she looks a little to sweet for the evil side of Kyoko, I think with her acting she can pull it off. I'm not so sure about the casting of the guys though. Apparently Siwon will be playing Sho, and Donghae, Ren. Isn't that a bit of a mismatch, since Ren is supposed to be more than 10cm taller than Sho? And Ren is the one who has the perfect good looks while Sho supposedly has the pretty bad boy charm. Based on those aside, I think they should have switched the guys' roles :/. My biggest worry is, the role of Ren would be really difficult to portray. As in, REALLY DIFFICULT. He's a very conflicted person inside, not to mention the obvious that he's Japan's top actor, so Donghae would have to act out not only Ren, but Ren's roles. And Donghae is not an official actor :S. Oh wait, shouldn't my biggest worry be that the two guys aren't exactly fluent in Chinese? o__0

I'm not gonna pick on the nitty-gritty, but I really hope that the scriptwriters/director/producers/actors will not ruin this drama. Because Skip Beat! is just awesome. I'm gonna wish the very best for all the actors! Especially the two guys. 加油!

Sunday, 29 August 2010

100131 2AM + Beast - Champion @ Inkigayo

Why did I not see this special stage before?!

Anyway. It's such an adorable performance, especially since 2AM and Beast are good friends with each other :)). The solo parts are all raps, so it's cute seeing all the non-rappers rapping haha XD. Needless to say, Doojoon and Junhyung did the best, but the rest did a decent job too! Kikwang's part is just so cute; I don't even know why HAHA. Jokwon is SUCH a good dancer. It's quite a pity that he isn't in a dance group.

If you listen closely to the chorus, you can totally tell when Yoseob was singing and when he wasn't. Because when he was, there would be one very stable, clear voice which stood out, and when he wasn't, it would just sound like a few voices singing together. And I'm NOT just saying this because he's my bias. Plus he was sick that day! I had a feeling that he was when watching this performance, since he kept looking down and after his solo part he was panting so hard. And I confirmed it after watching Beast's performance on that day. If people were to watch only the special stage, they wouldn't be able to tell that he was sick.

Okay so anyway. 2AM+Beast rock :D.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

MR Removed performances of KPop groups

Means that the accompaniment track is removed, leaving only the singers' voice. These videos can show to a certain extent how well these singers sing live.

Someone commented for one of the videos, "Doing MR for DBSK is pointless.. they're just flawless." WORD. I don't think any group can beat DBSK vocally; they're just totally awesome. Gosh I miss them together :(. Watching JYJ/Yunho/Changmin stuff makes me SO sad I don't even watch them at all. Come back, DBSK!

Big Bang
To be honest, I became a fan of Big Bang('s music) after they released Day by Day, but when I tried watching the live performances of that song, I got so disappointed that I stopped watching their performances completely. I guess I just love that song so much that I had sky-high expectations of their live performances. But now I revise my opinions of them, 'cos they don't sound bad. They sound good, actually. I don't know what performances I watched back then x__x.

SS501 sings well live, but I must say that they aren't as perfect as some fans (or even I) make them out to be. The individual solo parts always sound great, but in the more intense dance songs, they can hardly be heard in the chorus when the accompaniment track takes over, or only Hyungjoon can be heard.

Super Junior
I think that Super Junior is like SS501; the members sound good individually during their solo parts, but in the chorus, I can only hear Ryeowook's super lonely voice lol ^^;;. Or K.R.Y's, in the more recent performances. I was pleasantly surprised by Heechul, though XD.

2 3 4

Beast is REALLY good live. Even during Bad Girl days. I'm not saying this because I'm a big fan, either; I guess I got into the fandom so fast 'cos I liked their music and their live performances. I knew they were that good all along 'cos I watch their (later) performances a lot, but these MR Removed videos just prove it. And it's only been 8 months since their debut! Beast is gonna be huge, I'm telling you.

2 3 4

Shinee is very good live, and you can count on my words because I'm not a fan. It's a pity I don't fancy their songs much.

Other groups: 2PM | SNSD | 4Minute (1 2)

Why I love Yoseob #1.

I'll be posting lotsa videos in the near future, because I need to stop saving every Beast video into my favourites. That doesn't make sense, but whatever, LOL ^^;;.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Dear God,

all I want for my birthday this year is for my best friend to recover.

Thank you.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

F.T Island - 사랑사랑사랑 (Love Love Love)

This song is different from their usual songs, but it's really growing on me. Hongki's vocals are totally awesome in this. Seunghyun's raps surprised me, in a good way. I'm going to listen to the new mini album in a while.


Tuesday, 24 August 2010

戀愛通告 (Love in Disguise)

This movie was directed and written by 王力宏, in addition to him being the lead actor. In general, it's about 杜明漢, a big celebrity who donned a disguise and registered into a university using a fake identity -- 阿德 -- in order to find 宋曉青, a girl who made him see butterflies -- literally -- with her guzheng-playing. The general plot was predictable, but it was interesting enough that we'd still wanna sit through the whole thing to see how everything would fall in place.

I like how this movie is centered around Chinese music, since it sorta represents what Leehom is all about; he's always been big on the whole Chinese identity thing. I think the best part of the movie is the humour. I remember laughing out loud quite a lot when I was watching, that a few times I had to cover my mouth and take a deep breath to stop myself lol ^^;;. I find it amusing that certain scenes and dialogues were indirectly mocking the media and entertainment industry in general; Leehom must have gotten a bit of a kick out of that XP. The actors did a good job, I feel, especially the actress acting as Joan, the manager. 劉亦菲, the lead actress, is very pretty :). Oh and I realised that 魏志柏, 阿德's sidekick, is that guy who always acts silly in 康熙來了 LOL! My favourite scene is the one where 阿德 and 魏志柏 played their instruments in front of the Principal; it was amazing and downright hilarious at the same time XD.

Now for the not-so-good points.
1. I think the development of romantic feelings on the guy's side was pretty clear, but I hardly saw any on the girl's side. The change in emotions just seemed quite abrupt to me. The problem wasn't with 劉亦菲's acting though; I think her character just didn't get enough focus and screen-time that it should have been given to develop.
2. The 知音 concept was interesting, but at the end the girl had visions as she listened to him singing, so does that mean that she'd only see those when she was in love with him? I mean, she had heard him play music and even sing before, but she didn't see them. If so, then does that mean that he fell in love with her at first bump/sight/listen? o__o
3. The fans cheered when the couple hugged on stage. That was the most unrealistic thing in the whole movie, 'cos not a single one was screaming, "NOOO!" and raining tears of blood. LMAO.
4. I don't like how all the songs in the movie come from Leehom's newest album. I mean, they sound good and I know they're all his work and everything, but it just comes across as a huge publicity for his album, which actually doesn't even need the publicity in the first place 'cos it's like, Wang Leehom, yo.

Overall, the movie was pretty good. It was definitely worth the price of the movie ticket. Predictable plot and some unrealistic, fairytale-like scenes aside, musically it was very pleasant on the ears and it was great entertainment. The way the scenes were cut didn't feel choppy or anything too, so for the first time directing a movie, Leehom did a good job!

WARNING: start of fangirly mode.

Wang Lee Hom is SO GOOD-LOOKING! Like, seriously. I was actually biting my lips throughout the first 15 minutes or so of the movie to prevent myself from breaking out giggling like a crazed fangirl. Which doesn't even make sense 'cos I don't consider myself a Leehom fan in the first place. I think during most part of the movie my face was in a permanent broad grin too, LOL. I mean seriously, how can anyone be that handsome?! And he totally does not look 34. No, actually he does look like he's in his early 30s, but a damn fine one at that. I think if I were a guy, after watching the movie I'd straight away buy that Garnier face soap or whatever products Leehom used HAHAHA. He's like, freakin' unreal. SERIOUSLY.

-END of ranting-

I think I'll be listening to 你不知道的事 for at least a couple of more days ^^. And I'll probably buy the DVD of this movie when it comes out, just to see Leehom's handsome face. HAHAHAHA.

Monday, 23 August 2010

When I saw that the last one was delivered today, I realised that I almost wished that it was never gonna be delivered.


Sunday, 22 August 2010

I have no life LMAO.

Kikwang is precious ♥♥♥.

王力宏 - 你不知道的事

I wasn't that impressed by this song at first, but now I REALLY LOVE IT. Leehom sounds so emotional here, gosh. And he's so incredibly handsome; I have got to watch that movie XDD. *SPAZZ*

Friday, 20 August 2010

張芸京 - 我不愛你了


Thursday, 19 August 2010


I really think that I'm not cut out for Business. Who knows, I might just transfer to another faculty next year. Or semester. Or something.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

張芸京 - 不再聯絡

I love this song! And I love 張芸京 guh.

13.08.10 Celebrations @ Marina

Actually I only went to see Beast, but the other performances were great too! Especially the people with the drums and Electrico. I totally love rock, YEAH.

4Minute was great. Looked pretty, sang well. And the were many fanboys, especially Hyuna's.

Beast sang 6 songs: Beast Is The B2st, Special, Bad Girl, Mystery, Oasis, Shock. They were good live, as usual. Everyone sounded good and looked great. But wait, I can't really testify to the second statement 'cos after the performance, I couldn't recall whether Hyunseung had curly or straight hair, or how awesome Junhyung's spiked blond hair was, and I didn't know that Kikwang took off his jacket after a few songs, and well, basically I was only looking at Yoseob. It's his fault that I didn't get to see the others, okay, 'cos he was literally everywhere. But anyway. In June during the showcase I made myself look at the other members, but yesterday, I didn't even think of doing that. Which is not a good sign. So before things turn messy,

I shall stop. I don't want to turn into an obsessive fangirl. I mean, I don't think I'll ever turn into a fantard (read: fans who wanna throw stones at every female celebrity their idols talk to, etc), but I can see myself turning into an obsessive fangirl. Which is dangerous. And being the wise, rational person that I am, I shall stop.

But I'm still a fan, so I have to say that I loved the "OH! OH! OH!" and "BACK! BACK! BACK!" thing Yoseob shouted near the end of Shock. Had me spazzing inside 'cos he sounded all hardcore rock-ish LOL.

And seriously, I am a good concert mate! Ask me out for a concert and you won't regret it XDD.

Friday, 13 August 2010

I don't quite know how to say how I feel
Those three words are said too much
They're not enough

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

張芸京 in Singapore '10!

I must say these first: 張芸京 performs VERY WELL live. She hits all the notes, puts in lots of emotion in her singing, and totally works the crowd. She looks better in person than on screen. I mean, she looks good on screen, but in person, she's very natural, friendly and she's a great performer, which make her look even better. Or maybe she just has awesome hair now XD. And I think now I know why she looks as 帅 as a guy; on top of her hairstyle and dressing, even though she's thin, she has a little bit of arm muscles, which aren't very visible but noticeable sometimes. But anyway. The fans are pretty awesome. They're totally chill; no pushing, no grabbing, no nothing, but they are very supportive and united, shouting lotsa fanchants and even setting the rules for us fans to follow. There were even fanclubs from Hong Kong and Taiwan. I guess cool artists have cool fans too, eh? ^^

090810 Fansigning @ IMM

She sang 2 songs, 壞了 and 相反的我. There was also a game with 5 fans, where she'd sing 2 lines from a song and the fan was supposed to continue singing. So she sang 2 lines from those 5 other songs. You might think that it was just 2 lines, like whatever right, but those 2 lines from the 5 songs sounded really good. I'm not even exaggerating, 'cos they really did. Man, I can't wait for her to hold a full concert already.

I like her interactions with the fans ^^. One of the 5 fans was kinda star-struck, I think, so she kept inching backward when 阿京 walked towards her. So 阿京 teased her by going nearer and nearer, lol so cute XD.

Before the fansigning started, 阿京 promised that she would sign for everyone, which she did. And she looked and smiled at everyone standing in front of her, saying, "你好," and even initiating a handshake. I think she comes across as being very humble and sincere :).

100810 Showcase @ St James Dragonfly

It was my first time at Dragonfly, and it shocked me how close the audience were to the stage! I mean, we were really just a few steps away from her, and if she stretched her hand when she was at the edge of the stage, I'd have been able to touch it. That's how close I was to the stage. But like I said, the fans are cool, so no grabby hands whatsoever even when she was literally right in front of them.

She sang 5 songs in total: 壞了, 相反的我, 愛情選項, 黑裙子 and 破天荒, which are all singles from her 1st and 2nd album. I can't help but repeat this again: she sounded so awesome! I totally like 壞了 a lot more after listening to her singing it live. She cried at the end of/after singing 黑裙子, but till the end she still hit those high notes perfectly. 破天荒 was super high, since for that song usually everyone jumps around. I was filming her so I actually didn't want my hand to shake, but halfway through the song she came over to my side of the crowd saying that it seemed like we didn't wanna jump, so I just abandoned my recording and jumped LOL.

There were a few interviews with Ivy, a Yes933 DJ who was the MC for the show. 阿京 talked about how 相反的我 is not exactly a dark, depressing song, but more of a song for one to reflect on his life and the kind of person he is/wants to be. Which I can totally feel. And she talked about how she has always been one who would headbang along with the music, and would feel out of place with others who'd just stand motionless while listening to music. Hey, I can totally relate to that! I mean, I always have an urge to move when I listen to rock/dance songs, and to sing along to ballads. Sometimes even in public places when I have my earphones on you'd see my toes/head moving, or me walking weirdly LOL. But at least now I know I'm not weird XP.


All in all, these 2 events were great! They came free with the album which costs what a normal album costs, $20, so it's a freakin' steal, like omg. I can't wait for her to hold a full concert here; it's gonna be awesome, I just know it. Thanks a lot, 阿京, and come back here soon :D!

Yoseob the creeper.

Who seems to be able to find all the fancams filming him, haha XD.

2 3 4
This JY girl is really lucky; he kept looking/pointing at her! The first fancam up there^ is hers too. She goes for a lot of Beast's performances; I wonder if she is pretty Yoseob recognises her x).

2 3 4

I think it's sweet how he always tries to look at everyone. Especially during Oasis, which is fitting 'cos that song was written for the fans.

I wanted to embed everything but then there would be too many, so I kept to one per event XD. There are still lots more fancams floating around Youtube, by the way.

Yoseob is very nice towards his fans; even when he looks really tired, he'd still wave to and smile at them :).

Friday, 6 August 2010

away; d-5.

I should be back at home by now LALALA~

Thursday, 5 August 2010

away; d-4.

Hanging in there!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

away; d-3.

I went back to camp in the morning today..

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

away; d-2.

I have most probably reached home at the moment, yo~.

Monday, 2 August 2010

away; d-1.

First day; hwaiting~!

Sunday, 1 August 2010

I'm going to be away for a camp from Monday till Friday. Well, technically, I'll be coming home on Tuesday night, but the last activity is scheduled to end at 8pm, which means that I'll only reach home at around 9.30, which in turn means that I probably won't have time to come online, since I'll have to pack for the rest of the 3 days and I'll have to report at 8am on Wednesday. Break camp is scheduled at 9pm on Friday too, so I think I'll only be back online on Saturday. Wish me luck!

I'm going to schedule one picture to be posted every day on Monday - Friday, just because XD.