I must say these first: 張芸京 performs VERY WELL live. She hits all the notes, puts in lots of emotion in her singing, and totally works the crowd. She looks better in person than on screen. I mean, she looks good on screen, but in person, she's very natural, friendly and she's a great performer, which make her look even better. Or maybe she just has awesome hair now XD. And I think now I know why she looks as 帅 as a guy; on top of her hairstyle and dressing, even though she's thin, she has a little bit of arm muscles, which aren't very visible but noticeable sometimes. But anyway. The fans are pretty awesome. They're totally chill; no pushing, no grabbing, no nothing, but they are very supportive and united, shouting lotsa fanchants and even setting the rules for us fans to follow. There were even fanclubs from Hong Kong and Taiwan. I guess cool artists have cool fans too, eh? ^^
090810 Fansigning @ IMM
She sang 2 songs, 壞了 and 相反的我. There was also a game with 5 fans, where she'd sing 2 lines from a song and the fan was supposed to continue singing. So she sang 2 lines from those 5 other songs. You might think that it was just 2 lines, like whatever right, but those 2 lines from the 5 songs sounded really good. I'm not even exaggerating, 'cos they really did. Man, I can't wait for her to hold a full concert already.
I like her interactions with the fans ^^. One of the 5 fans was kinda star-struck, I think, so she kept inching backward when 阿京 walked towards her. So 阿京 teased her by going nearer and nearer, lol so cute XD.
Before the fansigning started, 阿京 promised that she would sign for everyone, which she did. And she looked and smiled at everyone standing in front of her, saying, "你好," and even initiating a handshake. I think she comes across as being very humble and sincere :).
100810 Showcase @ St James Dragonfly
It was my first time at Dragonfly, and it shocked me how close the audience were to the stage! I mean, we were really just a few steps away from her, and if she stretched her hand when she was at the edge of the stage, I'd have been able to touch it. That's how close I was to the stage. But like I said, the fans are cool, so no grabby hands whatsoever even when she was literally right in front of them.
She sang 5 songs in total: 壞了, 相反的我, 愛情選項, 黑裙子 and 破天荒, which are all singles from her 1st and 2nd album. I can't help but repeat this again: she sounded so awesome! I totally like 壞了 a lot more after listening to her singing it live. She cried at the end of/after singing 黑裙子, but till the end she still hit those high notes perfectly. 破天荒 was super high, since for that song usually everyone jumps around. I was filming her so I actually didn't want my hand to shake, but halfway through the song she came over to my side of the crowd saying that it seemed like we didn't wanna jump, so I just abandoned my recording and jumped LOL.
There were a few interviews with Ivy, a Yes933 DJ who was the MC for the show. 阿京 talked about how 相反的我 is not exactly a dark, depressing song, but more of a song for one to reflect on his life and the kind of person he is/wants to be. Which I can totally feel. And she talked about how she has always been one who would headbang along with the music, and would feel out of place with others who'd just stand motionless while listening to music. Hey, I can totally relate to that! I mean, I always have an urge to move when I listen to rock/dance songs, and to sing along to ballads. Sometimes even in public places when I have my earphones on you'd see my toes/head moving, or me walking weirdly LOL. But at least now I know I'm not weird XP.
All in all, these 2 events were great! They came free with the album which costs what a normal album costs, $20, so it's a freakin' steal, like omg. I can't wait for her to hold a full concert here; it's gonna be awesome, I just know it. Thanks a lot, 阿京, and come back here soon :D!