Friday 4 July 2008


Only for today
Could you ignore my sorrows?
Please don't ask me anything
Even the feelings that I can't express
Hurt me

Why only me
Why do I fall into such painful love
You can't really comfort me
Could you leave me alone?
Even though I look so pitiful?

The one person that loved me
The one person that hurt me
I hate the memories
I should forget. I'll forget, but...

Only for today
My everything became one big mess
Even breathing itself is meaningless
Why does the passing day feel so long?
It'll be ok, right?


I'll feel sad only for today
I'll cry my heart out only for today
You'll let me go now, right?
I know it's sad, but we weren't meant to be.

Just for a little while
Could you hug me like before?
When I turn away only tears will remain
But could you turn back the clock?

Only for today

It's Younha's Just Today that I uploaded here. I'm posting this plus the lyrics here today, 'cos I've been listening to this non-stop and the play count jumped from 13 to 98 in what, 4 days? Even my mum said that she's got a really nice voice, after listening to me playing it so many times. I don't care what you think of me, but I JUST LOVE YOUNHA.