Monday 18 January 2010

that's why nice people totally rock :D.

After what seemingly an endless period of time being a receptionist (because I was on training), I was back cashiering today! Had to do one jacketing, which I usually dread 'cos I'm very slow and clumsy, but the customer was very nice! I asked him whether he would like to walk around first and come back later, and he agreed and laughed a little, saying otherwise it (him staying there staring at and waiting for me to finish) would stress me out. Unlike some other customers who would stay around the area and come back in what felt like seconds, he disappeared and returned when I was about to finish. And he was so friendly! It's a very minor thing actually, but that really made my day :).

That's why cashiering is so much better than being a receptionist; you get to meet people. And most of the customers are nice and friendly :D. Somehow people who call in aren't as nice, from my experience x__x.

I have a craving for mocha extreme >.<. I drank my first can of coffee today, after 2 months. Was just too sleepy; I couldn't help it.