Saturday 6 February 2010

Tokyo Dogs


Oguri Shun and Mizushima Hiro as main leads in a drama together?! How can anyone NOT watch it, LOL. Well, I sure did haha! Anyway, this is such a funny drama LOL. It doesn't feel like the humour is forced; it's funny in unexpected ways. I really like this drama! The cast are great and the plot is interesting :). I can't really explain it, but I think it was shot very well too. But the ending was so inconclusive, other than the one for the main plot. I demand a sequel, or at least a Special >:[!

Oguri Shun stars as Takakura Sou, an elite detective. He looks like an emotionless robot, but is actually a great guy. He's strict, but not unreasonable. He's just a really good detective, that's all. He's very dependable! He's strong, yet vulnerable. And he's actually very innocent, like a kid. Guh I love Sou; he's such a dear :3. Sou is currently my favourite role that Shun has played so far, after Hanazawa Rui. (I mean, Rui is one of the Mr. Perfects in my eyes.)

(By the way, isn't it ironic that both the main leads have played a Mr. Perfect before? Shun as Rui in Hana Yori Dango, and Hiro as Rihito in Mei-chan no Shitsuji xD.)

Shun is a really good actor! All of his scenes are so believable. He is SO KAKKOI, neeeeee? This hairstyle makes him look like a cool goody-two-shoes, which suits Sou's personality. But like I said before, Shun is really versatile with hairstyle; he can pull off any look x). Sou's usual look is cute, but the yakuza look when he goes undercover plus the change in attitude is totally hot. It's like Sou got taken over by Genji (Crows Zero) LOL xDD. Oh and Shun's English sounds decent! Shun did really well in this drama :)).

Mizushima Hiro stars as Kudo Maruo, another detective who's very reckless, but is quite skilled too. Maruo is frivolous, but he's kind and very understanding. He's perceptive; which is why he's easily the mood-maker. He's a playboy, but when it comes to real love, he's not such an expert lol. And he's so funny :D! I'd love to have a friend like him :)).

Hiro is back with his usual hairstyle. Of course he looks good with it, but I'd like to see him with his hair straight too xP. (I've only seen it in pictures.) He looks kinda sexy with that unshaven look xDD. It makes him look more mature, which is a good thing 'cos in my opinion he can pass off as a 20-year-old otherwise. But still, he's really cute at the same time! And his eyes still sparkle *__*. Somehow I get the feeling that he's a gentle person ^^. (Or maybe it's just the image of Rihito stuck in my mind LOL.) Ayaka is suuuuch a lucky girl :)).

Maruo is the overly easy-going type, so naturally he makes lame jokes and does funny things, but Sou is always serious and says everything with a straight face, even funny stuff that he doesn't find funny. And it's hilarious when he tries to make a joke LMAO! They are both funny xDD. Sou and Maruo argue a lot about pointless stuff even when they're on duty, which is hilarious LOL. They are so different from each other, but somehow they make good partners :).

(Off-topic: geez, why do people smoke?! Hot guys + cigarettes = NOT HOT. )

I like how Yuki is not another naive baka; she's got some back bone :D. And she's very nice! Yoshitaka Yuriko is very cute :)). I love Sou and Yuki together :DDD. They have very good chemistry. Maruo is very nice towards her too, but he's more like a buddy haha ^^;;.

Sou's family is so lively hahaha. Kousuke (the little kid) is sooooooo cute! Mikami Kensei's (Hiroto) talking voice sounds like Daigo's haha xP. Horikawa is quite cute too :3. Horikawa and Maki are great together, 'cos Maki is mad possessive but Horikawa is stupid enough to not see that LOL. The ending song is by EXILE. I realised that their songs have the same "feel" to them, which is not a bad thing ^^. The opening is cool, and the ending scenes are very beautifully shot :DD.

To end off..

Credits to leaky_sponge. This scene was hilarious LMAO. I love you Shun ♥!