Sunday 6 September 2009

i can't.

I realised that I really can't act, lol. My brother said a few times before today that I should "hone my acting" 'cos I might just need to cry, like I did when my parents quarreled when I was in Primary School. At that time crying worked; I saw that they hesitated to continue arguing when they saw me crying and so I wailed even louder. But I'm not that little girl anymore. And I seriously can't act. No, to be frank, I don't want to. So pardon me, but you adults should resolve your issues like how adults should.

I'm having a bad premonition -.-. It's like, the calm before a storm, you know? That's why, my iPod is my best friend.

I hate acting. It makes me feel like a hypocrite. And I hate hypocrites. So no matter what happens, I'm gonna be me.