Tuesday 11 March 2008


I haven't been doing spazzy posts recently. Not a good sign. So I'm doing this random post out of randomness. lol.

The last drama I watched was Nobuta wo Produce. I'm too lazy to do a long post about it, so look up the story yourself. The main actors are Kame from KAT-TUN and Yamapi from NEWS (short forms), as well as Maki who acted in Hana Kimi. It's pretty enjoyable to watch even though the ending is a bit EHH. The main focus is on friendship, so if you're looking for a lovey-dovey romance story, watch something else.

I really like Akira (Yamapi) here; he's drunk on milk (like o.0) and incoherent 99% of the time (what with the kon!, akira shock! and other random nonsense he says), but he's funny and nice and adorable. Shuji's (Kame) character is like an egg, hard on the outside but actually soft inside. It's very.. real. So real that it reminds me of a certain someone, actually.

^the trio.

Shuji and Akira.. (they can look kinda suspicious haha!)

Some gifs of the weird Akira..

^"kon kon!" (it means nothing, really lol)

^"Nobuta power.. enter!"

^"KO.KO.RO" It's blurry, but it's the coolest moment of Akira throughout the show. Not really, but he did this same thing in another setting earlier in this same episode (ep 4), and that one was WAY COOL, contextually. Go watch!

Both of the guys' acting are good, but I'm more interested in Yamapi now. Not his looks, 'cos I think he looks a bit awkward somehow, like he looks older than his age =X (but he was seriously CUTE when he was young). I'm just wondering how someone who looks that cool (he seems colder than Jaejoong, imo) could pull off a crazy role like Akira. I may watch his dramas some other time. But I'm not gonna go into another fandom. haha.

On the side note, Kangta's new mini album is sooo good. HIS VOICE *.* I really should start working on a music post for him. But before that I NEED MORE OF HIS SONGS. I only have like, pathetic less than 10 songs of his other than the ones from the new album. All the links online are on Megaupload. T.T

EDIT: I just watched the second Detective Conan Special, which by the way, has Oguri Shun acting as Sinichi Kudo. Sometimes I wonder why he gets these cool-guys parts. Maybe 'cos he gives off the feeling that he's cool? (the real him is so NOT cool, though, in a good way!) Anyway, did I tell you that I'm a big fan of Detective Conan manga (even though it's getting too long without any definite development in the main storyline) and that I really like Sinichi? I made lots of caps when I watched the first one (Shun looked awesome there xP), but I didn't for this one. Nothing to do with the Hana Kimi hairstyle, though, since I've concluded that Shun can pull off ANY hairstyle. The ones I've seen so far, at least. xDD That reminds me that I still have lots of his dramas to watch. arghh.