Wednesday 8 October 2008


Two bombs exploded, yesterday and today. Five more are coming tomorrow.

Jay's album release is postponed to the 15th, since I think Jay is modifying his songs or something due to the leak of the album online. I hope he won't be too pressurised to change the songs and affect the quality of the songs. (But what am I talking about? He's Jay.) I was initially disappointed, but well, it's kinda good in a way; I won't be overloaded with emotions tomorrow. And there's gonna be an additional set of poker cards for the pre-order gift too ^^. The pre-order sales has already exceeded last year's, anyway. But it's like, one-sixth of a certain group's, lol.

Here's the preview of Jay's upcoming second single, 說好的幸福呢. The lyrics are written by 方文山; they're sad, but good. I think I'm gonna like this song a lot; the way Jay sings it is.. I don't know, more desperate? I love you, Jay ♥.

EDIT: I already love this song a lot. I've been replaying it all night, probably listened to the preview more than 100 times already. I almost didn't want to watch my videos and stuff 'cos I wanted to keep listening to the song. haha.