Friday 20 November 2009

Atashinchi no Danshi


It's a very heart-warming drama :). I think the most important lesson one can learn from this drama, is that everything may not be what it seems to be, so we shouldn't judge anything based on what it appears to be, and find out more first before making any conclusions. The ending is really nice x).

The plot is kinda far-fetched and some things were plain bizarre, but I guess all dramas are like that to a certain extent ^^;;. The cast did a great job, I feel; everyone acted well. Chisato, the main character, is strong and kind. The six sons are adorable, especially when a few of them started liking her. I really like all of them! My favourite is actually Takeru (the second son); even though he's probably the least good-looking amongst them, a bike gangster who uses eco-friendly fuel is beyond awesome :DD. He's really optimistic and straightforward too! And Takeru fighting with Sho (the third son) is cute :3. Everyone in the series is likeable -- even the villain is hilarious; I can't hate him xP.

From early in the series I had hoped that Chisato would end up with Sho, even when there weren't signs of any romance and the situation in the drama made it unlikely for romance to happen. So imagine my glee when a few sparks started flying xDD. I like how the scriptwriters included subtle hints of a possible romance between them, and how there were little scenes that make shippers of the couple -- like me -- smile, like how Sho glanced worriedly at Chisato, or how he seemed to understand her more than the others. I re-watched that last scene (THIS ONE HAHA!) in episode 8 at least 5 times, LOL! I hate flirts by principle, but Sho is a sentimental, sweet guy deep down, so he's okay. And his nonchalance is charming, after we know that he's not such a flirt after all ^^. I was hoping for another scene with Chisato and Sho at the end, but well, since they were getting together for sure, I don't really mind xD.

Horikita Maki is SO PRETTY *____*. I think she might just be my favourite Japanese actress, haha ^^. (I watched this series because of her, anyway!) Mukai Osamu (Sho) is very good looking :D. His smile~ *swoons*. And Sho's hairstyle suits him very well x). I think the two look very compatible together; she looks better with him than with Shun or Yamapi xP.