Sunday 5 April 2009


That word is supposed to be my defining personality.

These past few weeks, however, I have not been myself. I've been thinking, feeling, showing too much; while tolerating, ignoring, hiding too little. I liked, disliked, got annoyed, burst, and got my head messed up. All because I lost control of my brain, forgot who I was supposed to be.

I'm going to get my neutrality back. Took my first step today.

Here's the second.
I over-reacted, misinterpreted. It was all in my head. It wasn't you; it was me and my easily-messed-up head. I'm sorry I had thought that you were a flirt. Give me one day to get my head back on track, and everything will be back to normal, where you wouldn't even notice me being there. Give me one week and I may be able to stop making myself ignore you, for hopefully by then I'll already have my head in order and thus won't be affected by you.

The third step will come at a later date, once I am done with the second.

I'm gonna be the most neutral person. Like I used to be.