Tuesday 8 December 2009

Nodame Cantabile


I watched this drama because I read the manga, and because I feel like watching something light-hearted. I already knew the storyline, but as expected, it's still so hilarious, LOL xDD. Naturally, a lot of parts from the manga aren't included, which kinda makes everything seems too smooth-sailing for Chiaki, but I think that's okay. The performances are very nice :)). I really enjoyed watching this drama! I laughed a lot x). The special episodes are very nice too! There are another two movies coming up, apparently; I'm so gonna watch them :D. I think everyone was very well-cast :).

Nodame is SO WEIRD! She's totally unhygienic, makes funny sounds ("Gyabo!", "Mukya!"), steals other people's food, walks funnily, etc. She's very very adorable though x). Like when she suddenly said, "I love you," to Chiaki and smiled so innocently :3. Ueno Juri is a very good actress ^^.

Chiaki Shinichi is kinda mean at times and very bad-tempered, but he's not a bad guy. His incredulous look is funny haha. He's cool when he plays instruments and conducts. I like Tamaki Hiroshi's face structure, but it kinda makes him look like a bad guy. And I think he looks older than he actually is ^^;;.

Chiaki and Nodame are like complete opposites, but they are very compatible somehow :)). Chiaki is stiff and stubborn and he never really told Nodame how he felt about her, but at least he did what he should :]. I think it's kinda incredible that he fell in love with her music first before falling for her, lol.

Mukai Osamu! I completely forgot he was in this drama too xDD. He doesn't have a big role here, his hair is short, he's a playboy who wears geeky specs here, his mannerism is like Sho (in Atashinchi no Danshi), he spoke English decently and well him alone is squeal-worthy hahaha xPP. Did I mention before that I like his speaking voice? I think I did LOL.

Masumi is so funny haha! I like him a lot; he's one of my favourite characters in this drama xDD. Strezemann is too hilarious LMAO; everything he does is funny, from the way he looks to the way he talks. I like Kiyori; she's cool! I like Mine too; he's a bit of a baka but he's a very good friend :3. Kuroki is very nice :).