Sunday, 31 October 2010
101031 Chae Yeon (feat. Junhyung) - Ma Lover
Junhyung is one of the best rappers among all idol groups in Korea now, imo. Seriously, no biasness there. He's just a natural; he's got swagger and great flow.
In all the original songs he's featured in, he makes the song better. Not to mention he writes his own rap.
G20 - Let's Go [Korean | English]
On the other hand, for other artists' performances he's featured in, he always performs them with his own style, and sounds really good at that.
For instance, in this song Ma Lover, originally the rap part is more like a singing/rapping, but Junhyung turned into a pure rapping. And it sounded terrific.
I think Junhyung is amazing :).
2NE1 - It Hurts
Love this song.
There are only a handful of songs that I can stand in 2Ne1's new album, but I really love those few songs.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
The last time I had a real lunch was on Tuesday. The last time I had a real dinner was last week. A "real" meal means a full one, things like spinach soup or corn soup not counted. I can't remember when I last ate rice. These past few days, I've only been having breakfast -- bread with nutella or cake that my mum baked and a glass of milk -- in the morning and a plate full of fruits at night. But today, I had to eat all three full meals. Gosh. Can't eat even fake lunch and dinner tomorrow.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
2AM - 전활 받지 않는 너에게 (You Wouldn't Answer My Calls)
It's a nice song! 2AM sounds really good in this song, as usual. At first I didn't like this song that much, since it sounded just like a typical sad ballad, but after watching the live performance I was completely wow-ed and I'm liking this song a lot more now! It's such a sad song, because of the way it is sung.
The MV is confusing at first; you have to watch it more than once to get an inkling of what happened. The boys look okay, I guess, but because of the sad songs they always have to look so emo lmao.
I like this song more than Like Crazy, which is not bad too. Favourite line from that song: Jinwoon's last line in the second verse. This song is even more EMOOOOO gosh. Everyone's crying! Surprisingly, though, what I found most impactful wasn't Jokwon's heartbreaking expressions and teardrops, but the tears in Changmin's eyes, coupled with the look on his face, at 2:38.
I'll get to listening to 2AM's new album soon! And I'm happy that I'll be able to listen to them live in December :DD. I just hope that I'll make it through the concert alive, 'cos Jokwon's singing might just break my heart into pieces LOL.
Off to listen to the live version of You Wouldn't Answer My Calls a hundred more times XD.
101028 2AM Comeback @ M!Countdown
I keep listening to 2AM's comeback performance of You Wouldn't Answer My Calls, lol. They are so good! And Jokwon is killing me with his singing, omg ;____;. Seriously, what's up with these '90 guys?! First it was Hongki, then Jokwon, then now Yoseob is kinda like that too... -.-.
Will post the song properly when I have the chance to, 'cos blogging using handphone is a bitch, haha.
The full comeback stage, with Like Crazy.
Will post the song properly when I have the chance to, 'cos blogging using handphone is a bitch, haha.
The full comeback stage, with Like Crazy.
a Yunjae spam.
Because something -- I'm not sure what it was, I think this has been coming, actually -- pushed me away from the fence and while I used to be 50-50 about whether Yunjae is real or not, I'm now more of a believer; maybe 70-30? And if I don't do something, I'm really going to die of a heart attack, since my heart is beating so fast now you wouldn't know it. Or I don't know, I might end up biting my tongue off 'cos I'm trying so hard not to break into a wide grin. Yeah, I need to do something. But I can't say anything 'cos I'll just come up with some totally incoherent mess. So I'll just post all these pictures. I don't know which ones I posted before, so I won't post the really old ones.

HAHA IDEK anymore.

Videos. Because I can. HAHAHA.
HAHA IDEK anymore.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Sunday, 24 October 2010
So, I had this idea..
When Shinhwa makes a comeback in 2012 (HELL YEAH), they should hold a big-scale concert. And invite Beast as a guest performer, 'cos both of them are dance groups with 6 members, and Beast looks up to Shinhwa. And because Kikwang totally reminds me of Taeyang, who in turn reminds me of Minwoo. And Beast should perform one of Shinhwa's songs. The parts will be allocated as such:
Hyesung = Yoseob
Dongwan = Hyunseung
Minwoo = Kikwang
Junjin = Dongwoon
Andy = Doojoon
Eric = Junhyung
Junjin raps and sings, so Beast should pick a song where he sings, not raps, 'cos Dongwoon isn't a rapper. And everything would work out perfectly well and I'll be a super happy fangirl XDD.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Saturday, 16 October 2010
101015 Beast - Clenching A Tight Fist @ Narsha Volume Up
Doojoon is sick :(. Hyunseung and Kikwang have flu too, I think.
Hyunseung came in too early during his part and everyone turned to stare at him haha! LOL why was Junhyung clapping and smiling so happily in the middle of such a sad song XDD.
YOSEOB TOTALLY KILLED IN THIS PERFORMANCE OMG IDEK. I almost cried listening to his singing. Seriously, kill me already.
They also performed Shock, without Doojoon. The highlights of this performance: Junhyung's SWAGGER; Kikwang being so adorable at 1:53-2:04 (and throughout, actually); Yoseob's ROCKER adlibs at the back.
Dongwoon sang his solo part in V.I.U and he sounded awesome! (Yoseob's little adlib too HEHE.) Bet he wanted to impress Narsha LOL XDD. Lotsa other adorable moments too, but I'm too lazy to link them all so just Youtube them okay ^^;;.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
101014 F.T Island - Love Love Love (Remix ver.) @ M!Countdown
Seriously when I watched this my mouth was hanging open in awe, 'cos it's just so totally AWESOME. Like, man, BEST REMIX EVER. The music is so hardcore ROCK now, and it's so freakin' hot OMG. All the boys looked and sounded great! Hongki's attitude is totally different here; in the original he looked sad, but here he looked bitter, angry, resentful. Hongki is awesome, period. And I feel weird saying this 'cos he's younger than me, but Seunghyun was sexy lol ^^.
And HONGKI. Don't stare at the camera like you did at 0:10-0:14, 0:52-0:54 and practically throughout the whole performance, don't smirk like you did at 2:05, and especially don't stare at the camera and smirk like you did at 1:18-1:21. DON'T. 'Cos while watching this I died a thousand times over, and if this goes on seriously my heart won't be able to take it omg ;______;.
BRB downloading the performance in HD and putting it into my phone and watching it some more. But before that since the links are probably not up yet let me blast the audio 100 more times.
101014 Beast - #1 + Encore @ M!Countdown
YAY :DD. I have no words; I'm just really happy for them :)). Maknae finally got to say his speech; the other times they won he was always crying too hard to say anything LOL. The encore was really adorable! Hyunseung lied down on the floor and made some weird movements, so the members told him to stop it HAHA. Yoseob really ate their CD up, I see ^^;;. And he really liked to hold that trophy! Doojoon was SO adorable at 2:14 onwards, but I was so focused on the hand behind that even as I rewatched it for the second time, I had to rewind to look at Doojoon properly, LMAO. And I see JUNSEOB at 3:28! (My Junseob radar is SUPER sharp, 'kay!) And lastly Yoseob's 3-seconds adlib starting from 3:31 made me infinitely happy ROFL.
Friday, 8 October 2010
101008 Beast - Breath @ Music Bank, winning #1
Overall today's performance was really good! Doojoon sounded especially clear. But Yoseob cracked a liiiiiiittle bit during his high note ^^;;. I think they did decide to let him dance less at some parts, since his parts are very straining vocally. Anyway. Kikwang at 1:16 *____*.
The backstage interview was so adorable! We have Doowoon, Kiseung and Junseob; the Beast Almighty chef teams LOL. Look at the mirror! Kikwang was lifting Hyunseung up and vice versa 'cos the two towers that were Doojoon and Dongwoon were standing in front blocking the rest of the kids. Yoseob started playing hide-and-seek with a scary face behind Dongwoon, and Junhyung started hitting his head. Other spazz-worthy moments: Dongwoon jumping so hard while Doojoon sang 2NE1's Go Away, the boys announcing and singing FTI's Love Love Love :D. Seriously I can watch this video the whole day HAHAHA. Hyper kids ♥♥♥.
And they won #1!!! OMGOMG *spazzes*.
Doojoon's blank face when Beast was announced as the winner was so precious :'). The Junseob hug made me SO happy IDEK. Yoseob later hugged Hyunseung too keke. Key and the other member of Supreme Team were laughing their heads off at Dongwoon crying and Simon D was wiping Dongwoon's tears with a "AWW YOU BIG BABY" expression on his face and Taemin was smiling while looking at him lol that scene was SO ADORABLE OKAY. And Dongwoon trying to hold back his tears at 0:55! Junhyung hugged Onew! Hyunseung lied on the floor and was trying to do the funny version of the "breathe in breathe out" dance lol. I love how Yoseob was the one who first turned to the other singers and bowed repeatedly. And this is not related but I also love how Onew walked to Yoseob who was standing in the middle of the stage looking overwhelmed (to congratulate him I think) before walking back off the stage HEHE X). (I like Onew!) I think Yoseob must have cried a lot afterwards haha.
Congrats boys; you really deserve this award :)).
Thursday, 7 October 2010
101007 Yoseob's Yozm posts

B2UTY~nims! Why are you apologizing!? I'm actually really thankful..!!! As always tremendously thankful!! Let's be happy for a long long time!
Aigooo Gonna go to sleep wonder how long its been the last time I slept..??? keke Then everyone sleep well!!! BEAST is nothing without B2UTYs keke
CREDITS: Dongwon's Yozm (SOURCE), dujunseob@ B2STRISING (TRANS)
He called us B2uty-nim LOL! I don't know, somehow Yoseob just has this ability to make people happy, don't you think?
I think I should stop reading his Yozm posts. But I don't want to >.<.
101007 Beast comeback @ M!Countdown
First they sang the full Clenching A Tight Fist, which made me really happy XD. But their voices aren't exactly in top conditions :(. Doojoon's voice cracked once and Yoseob was struggling with the high notes. The performance was mostly okay, though. And they looked good in white!
Breath was okay. But Yoseob's voice cracked once and he wasn't dancing fully; at some points when singing his part he didn't dance like he usually does. Or maybe they decided to let him dance less during those parts to reduce the strain on him? I was so worried for his "I don't know", but luckily he pulled it off just fine :). And I like the black outfits too ^^!
Beast was up against 2NE1 for #1, but they lost by one point :((. It's alright, hope they will win tomorrow! *crosses fingers*
Still, I'm worried for the boys, especially Yoseob :/. Doojoon did mention in his Twitter that the boys are falling sick one by one. And this is still Thursday too; they have like 4 more performances and lots of interviews to go D:. Hope they will get enough rest and take care of their health!
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Shinee - Hello MV
I REALLY like this song hehe ^^. I swear they were aiming to clinch a toothpaste commercial with this MV (LOL), but seriously those smiles are so adorable! I feel happy seeing them smiling somehow haha XD.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
101005 Yoseob's Yozm posts
Sunday, 3 October 2010
101003 Beast comeback @ Inkigayo
BEST comeback stage hands down! (I typed BEAST instead of BEST a few times LOL.) The stage setting was awesome for both performances, with a string orchestra in the first and man-made rain and cool effects in the second. The cameraman was very good too!
They performed Clenching A Tight Fist first. Everyone sounded really good! Kikwang missed the beginning and I think Junhyung forgot the first few words of his lyrics, but they weren't noticeable and it was still a great performance. I was streaming this live when it suddenly stopped just before the chorus and I literally almost screamed LOL. Luckily it continued after just the first two lines of the chorus. After watching it on Youtube, I discovered that I was right; Yoseob and Hyunseung sing the first 2 lines of the chorus, then Yoseob sings the rest ^^. Love the all-black clothes! Hyunseung is so pretty with his hair like that GUH. And Junhyung is so hot hahaha. Dongwoon was caught laughing at 2:04 LOL!
Breath was next! Everyone sounded AMAZING, I still can't really wrap my mind around it *____*. Were they even singing?! Listen to the MR audio and be wow-ed! I know that they're good, but I'm still amazed sometimes haha. Yoseob's high note was perfect (again) too; it's kinda a given now that it'd be perfect huh ^^. I think I like this set of military costumes best out of all the other Breath costumes so far. B2uties' fanchants were really loud :))!
There was an interview in the beginning too! It was adorable and Yoseob hugged Yonghwa (C.N Blue) at one point lol XP. Kikwang was the one talking most of the time, but I think he stumbled on his words a few times haha XD.
Anyway, this is only their 5th time performing Breath and 1st time performing CATF, yet they already sound this good. Ahhh I'm so happy I'm a fan of Beast :D. BRB listening to the performances again for the nth time.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
101002 Beast - Breath @ Music Core
When it was said that there would be an intro I thought it was gonna be another dance intro or something like that, but it was just a video intro with clips from Breath MV and Mastermind in the background (Yoseob's part that wasn't played in Music Bank lol) ^^;;.
The performance itself was okay. Since this performance was recorded on the 30th, it was the first performance of this song and I think they sounded clearer in the Music Bank performance yesterday. Doojoon sounded louder here though. Everyone was on pitch. And like I said, Yoseob nailed his high notes yay \o/. It wasn't totally perfect because I am picky like that and I know he can do perfect XD. Appearance-wise, I prefer this set of costumes over the previous one. Yoseob, Kikwang and Doojoon had their second hairstyle from the MV. Kikwang's is alright, but I don't like Yoseob's; this was the hairstyle that made him look like a gangster >.<. Doojoon looks better with the previous one too lol.
Anyway, honestly speaking, I think Beast chose a bad time for their comeback :/. Now there are so many big names doing their promotion too, and so many other popular groups having their comeback now or really soon. Sigh. I know it's just the starting of their promotion and it's too early for me to say this, but I really hope that they will win something :S. They deserve to, since they're really good, but they're just very new compared to the rest and they have a smaller fanbase. But they were competing with 2NE1 for #1 on MCountdown on Sept 30, even before their comeback, so I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed. Beast hwaiting!
Friday, 1 October 2010
101001 Beast comeback @ Music Bank
Comeback stage! Generally they all looked good and their outfits looked great too, especially the casual ones in the beginning. Each member did a dance solo first; everyone did well! Kikwang's arm waves were all kinds of awesome and Hyunseung's stretching was hot somehow, but my favourite is Junhyung's 'cos he's just cool like that XD. And I noticed that Yoseob tends to use the music in his dance instead of just dancing to the music, which I like hehe :3.
First they performed Mastermind. It was so short and Yoseob didn't get to sing his part *whines*! But anyway. It wasn't anything special, to be honest, and they really should have some kind of choreography for it, in my opinion. Or they can just keep to the current freestyle thing, but the members should totally move more! Their movements looked kinda restricted lol; only Junhyung seemed like he was really feeling the music ^^;;. But then again, Junhyung has that natural swagger XD. Kikwang glaring at the camera at 1:42 was hot muahahaha.
Next was 숨 (Breath), of course, and it was good! I really like the choreography :D. The cameraman was kinda fail-y though ^^;;. And how come that arm-stretching part that Kikwang did in the MV isn't part of the choreography :(. Anyway, Junhyung had the feathers in his hair haha! Dongwoon was hot when he turned around at the beginning of his part, so the fangirls screamed, and I think he couldn't help smirking lol XP. Hyunseung dyed his hair black; it looks much better now and he looks so pretty! Everyone sang well. Yoseob's parts in the chorus are vocally challenging, but he sang them all fine; he never fails to impress! He also did his "I don't knowww" part and cracked near the end, but for the most part it was still damn awesome and I believe he'll do better in the next performance, since he already sang it so well yesterday. Yoseob hwaiting :)).
The backstage interview was adorable! Everyone looked happy and excited ^^. Doojoon's voice cracked when he talked in the beginning and I think the members laughed at him lol. They said a one word of English and surprisingly everyone sounded fine, especially Dongwoon who said one sentence by himself. The English lesson in Idol Maid must have helped HAHAHA. (Can't wait for the subs for that episode to be out! It's gonna take a long time though.) Yoseob kept doing the chest-popping move after everyone else stopped, lol he's such a hyper kid ♥.
Anyway. After I re-read this whole post I realised that I sound really biased. I'm not that biased, really >.<.
Shinee - Hello
I really like this song! It's really catchy and reminds me of Replay. But seriously the staff must be Key's antis, 'cos when he finally has very nice hair he also has a ridiculous outfit LOL. And Taemin's voice is very similar to Jonghyun's!
*clicks replay* LOL!
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