Thursday 8 November 2007


I just got my Jay's album yesterday. Usually when I first listened to a new Jay's album, there would be a few tracks that first made me frown but after a few listens they would sound better. Honestly, for this album, there was none. Which is a good thing.

01 牛仔很忙
I admit when I first heard this song I was like "WTH" but now I like it. It's cheesy but catchy, and it makes me smile everytime. I like the fact that Jay is trying out new styles of music and he diversified his singing in the song too.

02 彩虹
I believed that I spazzed about this song already. My opinion of the song has not changed - it's still a very good song.

03 青花瓷
A chinese-styled song (there's at least 1 of this type of song in every Jay's album). This song's melody is soothing, the background music is beautiful (even though I don't know what chinese instrument it is) and Jay's way of singing is in my opinion very suitable for the song. He sounds very.. chinese (I can't find a better word to describe =X) and he sang the song without using too much power.

04 陽光宅男
A happy song! Usually I'm not too fond of happy songs (even some of Jay's) but this song just totally makes me feel like jumping around. Which is very rare. haha.

05 蒲公英的約定
The melody of this song is taken from Secret OST, but I don't mind since that song was also composed by Jay. The instrumental itself is very nice; the beginning even has that haunting feeling. Plus the singing, it sounds as nice.

06 無雙
A rap-ish song, because it's not totally rap. It's got the usual Jay's rapping in the verses, and the singing in the chorus. What surprised me was the chinese intrumental near the end. And at the very end, there was a very very high pitched voice that made me o.0 the first time I heard it. Wow. If it was Jay (I think so 'cos there wasn't any mention of a different person in the CD booklet), then I'm really amazed.

07 我不配
A soft ballad; I've got nothing much to say about the song except that I predict that it will rank high in Kbox. The MV made me feel sorry for Jay, though, as it really reflects the difficulties celebrities face when they are in a relationship. The line "如果你不是周杰倫 那该有多好" really got me.

08 扯
Another rap-ish song. I can describe the whole song in one word - laugh. 'Cos I really laughed a lot listening to this song. Not in a bad way, though. First the conversation in the beginning - Jay's voice made me cracked up. hahaha it's really funny. Second it was the high-pitched girl's voice near the chorus. The song doesn't have much melody, but it's good for laughs. haha.

09 甜甜的
From the title, you'd be able to tell that it's a happy song. The song makes me happy, too. And can I say that the funny sounds Jay made in this song are really cute? xD

10 最長的電影
I love this song. It begins soft, but in the chorus it's the heart-wrenching Jay's singing. Heck, he sounded as if he was crying at some point (but I'm sure he wasn't). When I sang along to this song, I felt heavy and emotional. It's the same feeling I got when I listened to 一路向北. Plus I love Jay's singing here. That reminds me why I got angry (inside) when I read somewhere that someone mentioned that Jay should just work backstage as he can't sing well. Personally I really like his voice and his singing, and it's not because I'm already a fan. If I didn't like his singing I wouldn't be a fan in the first place.

Overall, I'd say that this album is really good. I was really astonished that after listening to the whole album I found out that I had a mind to rate every song five stars. lol. Jay's songs only get better after listening to them a lot (to which my brother surprisingly agrees), so I'm satisfied with the album. I don't know why some fans don't like it, though, saying that it lacks sincerity and has no 'Jay' feeling to it. Somehow I learnt from the 牛仔很忙 song that I have no right to call a song 'un-Jay' as it's Jay's song anyway; anything he writes and produces is Jay's music. When he tries a new style or produces something different, he's just expanding his boundaries in music. And I've got no problem with his recycling (to put it crudely) of tunes from the Secret OST since I know he's really really busy and maybe he did it on purpose, because he liked these tunes. The only thing is that I still have a problem remembering some songs. haha. I can't point out one favourite, since I like every song and after more listens some songs may stand out more, but my favourite tracks for now would be 彩虹, 蒲公英的約定, 我不配, 最長的電影. As expected, they're all ballads. =X

Go buy the album! =)