Tuesday 11 December 2007


I don't know what got into me (maybe it's boredom), but just now I decided to search for the newest Jay videos in Youtube. And found a lot of fancams of the Hong Kong concert. Then I had this urge to blog 'cos I realised that I do like Jay a lot (duhhh). xP

甜甜的 - This one made me laugh a lot, not because of Jay's cute singing and jumping around, but because when he went near the audience and pointed the microphone to a fangirl (to let her sing), she just said, "I love you ya!". ROFL. I think Jay must be surprised there for a while. hahaha.

安靜/interaction with 許志安 - The duet was awesome; Jay changed a bit of the piano part in the beginning (I think), and of course his singing parts are always varied here and there. I didn't know 許志安 can sing, though.

最長的電影 - What can I say? It's a really beautiful song. (jjang!)

聽媽媽的話 - This is not the whole song but you can see Jay clearly; it was such a surprise when suddenly 周润发 appeared on the screen, looking all hip-hop-ish; and even more when 张学友 also appeared and sang the chorus of the song. Way cool. I think Jay sang the Cantonese version of the rap part in the end too.

鬥琴 - He reenact the piano battle scene in 不能說的.秘密 with 宇豪. Needless to say, it was flawless. =)

^funny face, I know. xD

^playing guzheng for 发如雪.

^gosh I LOVE that translucent grand piano. Looks so.. heavenly. *_*

The concert was held 7 days straight, which proves Jay's popularity (hurray!). Everyday there were different guest performers; some of people who came were Twins, 許志安, 潘玮柏, 費玉清, 柯有倫, 南拳媽媽. The visual effects look great, the crowd seemed very high. The costumes and style are.. interesting. xP I hope he will get enough rest after the 7 days, though. Must have been really tiring.

I can't wait for the Singapore concert already.

The concert aside, I wanna say that I'm happy for Jay for winning 3 awards in 金马奖 for 不能說的.秘密: Best Original Soundtrack (for the song 不能說的.秘密), Best Visual Effects and Most Outstanding Taiwan Film of the Year. It's a big feat for a first-timer, and he totally deserved it. ^^

I just watched Jay's autograph session in Taiwan (very old, I know) and all I can say is: his humour is really.. dry. (part 1 2) But to be honest, he's pretty funny. I actually laughed non-stop throughout. The highlight of part 1 is when the fans screamed, “不要问八卦!” (smart fans). And in part 2, Jay and his crew went to take the train (MRT?), and he said it was his first time. There are lots of crack there. The last part where two kids shouted, “杰倫 加油!” was kinda heart-warming. =))

Also, the MV for 最長的電影 came out already. I don't have much to say about it except that Jay looks good xD in it and the little girl is pretty, but the behind-the-scenes is totally cute. It's hilarious how when Jay shook the hand of a boy, some people were screaming in the background. And then there were a bunch of kids who screamed and crowded around him wanting to shake his hand. Aww. Now I know that Jay's fans include little kids as well. =D