Saturday 21 February 2009

Hyesung comeback - 왜 전화했어 (Why Did You Call)


It's a beautiful song, and Hyesung's voice is seriously gorgeous guh *___*. AND he's looking so pretty is this MV too (don't kill me, Hyesung!); the ponytail, the muffler, the smile, everything xDD. The MV is sad, but the couple scenes are really cute ^^. I haven't really listened to the whole album yet, will listen to it when I have the time :). (I don't know why the album can't be added into iTunes, which means that it can't be put into my iPod as well T___T.)

090219 @ Mcountdown -- He has cut his hair a bit shorter from the last time I saw him at the photoshoot; it looks good :)). The fans' cheerings were kinda messy ^__^;;. But at the beginning of the second verse they were really noisy -- what's up with the people who were there on that day -.-". The stage is really pretty and I love how practically a string ensemble (is that how you call it? xP) was playing as he sang. Good performance!

090220 @ Music Bank

He's rocking the whole look - his hair, his outfit, everything looked great. Love how at first he stood singing on a dark stage with only one spotlight on him, then during the chorus the stage lighted up, revealing the string ensemble. The fans' cheers were more organised - they made me smile =]. AWESOME performance :)).