Tuesday 5 May 2009

We all learn from our mistakes :).

1. Nice people rock :D. Freaks and flirts, screw you off :DD.

2. Totally unrelated, but I overheard someone saying this, "You rock. I stone."
Just thought that it's funny xD.

3. Been listening to Kelly Clarkson's Cry on repeat these few days. I'm really not emo-ing -- when I say I like a song's lyrics it doesn't mean that I can identify with them -- but that song is really good =].

I'm talking in circles
I'm lying, they know it
Why won't this just all go away

It's all already gone :D. Coincidentally, Already Gone is another song in her album that I like a lot xP.

4. I hope school won't close down because of swine flu, 'cos even though there's always the IVLE, I know myself best -- there are too many distractions online for me to be productive. I want to go to school >:[.