Saturday 14 March 2009

飛輪海 - 默默

我感覺我變了 誰讓我變了
卻被你解開了 簡單的解開了

你走過來 帶著和別人不同的對白
你甚至不讓我知道 你對我有多好

慢慢的 這份愛 悄悄的住下來
深深的 在心理 沒人看得出來
安靜的 但卻一直都在 是你默默的愛
慢慢的 這份愛 已經變成依賴
淺淺的 笑容裡 卻讓我充滿期待
不用說 我就能夠明白 你默默的愛

我感覺我變了 誰讓我變了
卻被你解開了 簡單的解開了

未來的每一天 不管發生什麼 能不能交給我呢
我要 永遠陪著你 守護著你直到最後


I love this song! It's used in that 爱就宅一起 drama 大東 acted in with Rainie, which I think I want to watch some time ^^. It's great that their vocals are improving :). Wu Zun's singing in the whole album is annoying me less now, which is something xD. Jiro's breathing is more controlled now too, and Calvin has always sounded okay. It's also a good thing that the singing parts are divided much more equally now; it used to be mostly 亞綸 and Jiro only. Not that I minded, LOL xP.

亞綸's "你走過來~"part in the song is totally omg *__*. I love his voice a lot, a lot ♥. It's one of the main reasons I still like him, until now. Well, other than the fact that I really love his eyes, and somehow I'd automatically zoom in on him and not even notice the others when he's on screen. His technique is better than before too, in the way he changes the tone of his voice to suit different parts of the songs. However, I noticed this from their first album, that he has a teeny little problem with tempo. As in, sometimes in the songs I think he's some nanoseconds faster. I don't know whether it's meant to be like that or if I'm wrong, but it just nags at me when I hear them. I still love him though :D. If he were to go solo, I'd buy his album!

Seven of 飛輪海's songs from their new album managed to stay in my iPod, which says something about the album =]. I think I'll be posting some other MVs of theirs soon, since I'm in the 亞綸's-voice-spazzing mood now xD. In fact, I'd have spammed this post with them, if I didn't restrain myself, haha. In case you're wondering, I have no idea why I keep referring to him using his Chinese name, rather than his English name (Arron), which I like also xP.

Suddenly I feel like going to some forums to find 亞綸's pictures. But must.resist!

Oh and if you haven't noticed it already, I've stopped keeping up with all my fandoms. I think it's about time, since I don't have the time to, haha ^^;;.