Saturday 28 March 2009

spazz mode xDD.

Was watching 愛就宅一起 on Channel U. I haven't even watched until that episode yet online, so I missed some parts in the middle, but I couldn't resist haha. I was spazzing so much throughout the episode; haven't spazzed that much in a loooong time LOLOL. He almost kissed her, like asfdgkaskdgk. Mars, you're doomed *inserts evil laughter*. I like Mars! He's so nice :)). I think my liking towards 大東 has shot up after this drama. Anyway, Mars' manager, 一隻, is sooooo cute! He should look older, but he looks like he's of the same age as (or younger than) Mars, hahaha. He's my favourite character in the whole show, LOL xD. This show unexpectedly many funny lines, haha! And that 默默 song is so totally nice, guhhhh *______*.

If you haven't noticed already, now Fahrenheit has their own tag. ROFL. I totally got out of that fandom 2 years ago (because their 2nd album wasn't as good as the 1st), but well, I decided that I like their songs now. And they've improved a lot. And I still like 亞綸 a lot, plus I'm liking 大東 more also. OHWELL. You can't judge me xP.

Now I'll go hunt for that part in the middle that I haven't watched yet. muahahaha.

EDIT: The two versions thing is confusing me. Some of the editing are different and stuff. The actors recommended the GTV version since it's the full version, but it airs one week later than CTV and I have no idea which version Channel U is airing. Some of the scenes are cut when Channel U airs it also >:[. I guess I'll just re-watch the whole series, the GTV version after xD.

Mars+默默 FTW!