Monday 9 March 2009

suddenly I feel like posting FTI videos xP.

Like A Doll @ Soh Yujin FM Inkigayo

Yay, I finally get to see Seunghyun singing! He looked and sounded a bit nervous, but he did great :)). I think he has a nice voice, which I'm proud to say I identified correctly in the mini album LOL xD. Jaejin patted his shoulder to calm him down, so cute ^^. (You know, I think Seunghyun is getting closer with the band; that's great =].) Jaejin is singing a lot more now; he sounds great! Hongki! I don't know why he stuck out his tongue at the end of the song, but that's hecka cute xDD. And needless to say, he sounded great x).


I'm feeling good today, so let me introduce to one of my favourite FTI songs - 너를 사랑해 (Love Is...). I think so far I have only posted sad, depressing FTI songs in this blog, but really, this band does both emo and happy extremely well. This song, is a really happy, sweet, cheerful and upbeat song which I suspect has really fairytale-filled lyrics, but I haven't found out so I have no idea xD. Let me tell you why I love this song:
1. It makes me honestly, genuinely happy :)).
2. The instruments are so upbeat, it makes me want to jump along.
3. The two layers of Hongki's voice during the chorus! I especially love the one at the higher pitch; it's just pure awesome. I'd fast for one whole day to listen to him singing that LIVE *__*.
4. The performances (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) are super fun! Hongki totally OWNS the stage; he just has that much of stage charisma. And he has so much fun on the stage performing the song; flirting with the guitarists/audience/camera, acting cute, etc. Such an adorable kid xDD. I love the way he tilts and points at his head at the high "babo" parts; I even do that without realising it sometimes when I listen to the song on my iPod xPP.

I love Hongki :))).


Sorry, I think it's the caffeine xP