Friday 27 March 2009

e-learning days are really unproductive >.<.

I'm watching the drama that Channel U is showing; 愛就宅一起. (I still haven't finished Delightful Girl Choon-hyang, but that's beside the point.) I'm really enjoying it so far. 大東 is actually very likable here, and Rainie too. I actually forget the fact that I dislike both their hairstyles while watching, haha. There were quite a lot of instances where I couldn't help but think, "帅!" at some of the things Mars did. (That name is really lame, but let's not talk about that.) I'm rooting for Mars+默默 all the way =]. (Even though George Hu's character is pretty cute too ^^.) And like I said, Fahrenheit's 默默 that is used in this drama is really nice. I wonder why the ratings for this drama is not that good =X.