Friday, 5 June 2009


I love watching dramas and other fandom-related stuffs. The people (celebs, characters in the drama) are 2D -- they are just people on the flat screen. When you wanna see them, you just have to switch on the computer and go to some website; when you wanna hear their voice you just need to play their songs. They are real human beings, but knowing that they aren't exactly real in the sense that we can't actually meet and get to know them, it's easy not to get attached to them. However, when you're feeling down, they will always be there, no matter what. The same can't be said for real people.

I think I said this before in one of my posts, but I'm repeating this again 'cos I realised, yet again, how much this applies to me.

That's why, I love my fandoms :).