Saturday 24 January 2009

061117 SS501 Star watch 24

part 2 3 4 5


This is old, but really worth watching because the boys talked about their 1 year and 6 months of debut (then), and just because SS501 is hilarious xD. Their type of funny is the extremely random, weird and sometimes I-don't-know-why-I'm-laughing type. I don't know, but they make me laugh a lot ^^.

Highlights: (believe me, I HAVE been trying not to talk so much)
1. It's really nice to see the boys recapping their early debut days, and all the things they went through so far.

2. The members were all bad-mouthing the member who was doing the interview, but straight away changed their tune when the member came back. What double-faced bitches, LOL ♥♥♥.

3. Apparently back then, Hyungjoon "snores like an alarm clock", "has a round tummy", and was addicted to games.

4. Since all the members couldn't come up with anything really bad, the conclusion is that Kyujong's only bad point is that he's sensitive. He seems like such a nice person, really :)).

5. Jungmin is double-faced, lazy and violent haha!

6. Loved doubleHJ's imitations of Jungmin. Hyungjoon can be so girly sometimes, LOL. He's like totally bitching about Jungmin. The Minjoon is always alive, HAHA!

7. Kyujong said that Jungmin is "very optimistic, that one can say that he's actually crazy", at which point Hyunjoong started literally ROFL-ing, laughing so hard until his stomach hurt. The sight was SO FUNNY, I started laughing with him xP. Leader, you're so weird!

8. Right after Jungmin's talk was Hyunjoong's turn, and while the other members only sat on a chair and talked, Hyunjoong sat behind a desk with an ancient telephone and a globe on it, lmao! OMG MY STOMACH xDDD.

9. Hyunjoong can't spell properly, listens to music too loudly that the neighbours complain, and everybody snores xPP.

10. Is it just me or does Youngsaeng talk even less now? Anyway, he "cares too much about his image", has too much hand gestures (which are "nothing compared to Jungmin's" xD) and camwhores too much.

11. Hyunjoong talked and laughed a lot in this; he's so funny haha!

12. Jungmin is a meanie; he kept tempting the others with his food, and Hyungjoon was succesfully lured, lol. In the end Hyungjoon was the only one who couldn't eat because he lost a game, and had to introduce the album while the rest were all eating nearby.

13. Kyujong was the first to give Hyungjoon food. (KYUJOON ♥)

SIDETRACK: You know, the only time I've seen Kyujong looking angry was during Hyungjoon's birthday prank (part 1 2 3 4), which wasn't even a real anger because he was just acting. AND after the prank was revealed he was the first one to rush to Hyungjoon and hugged him, because he was feeling so bad about it. The prank was quite mean, by the way, and I was feeling very sorry for Hyungjoon, even though he still looked cute when he was pouting like that. He cried xD. But the point is: Kyujong is just so nice; ILU KYU! ♥

14. Eventually Jungmin asked Hyungjoon to dance 4Chance, which he did with a big bright smile when the song's supposed to be a sexy song xP. He's adorable xD. Then he got his food, and his reaction when receiving the food was so girly rofl!

15. You know, every time I start watching any SS501 video, my favourite member always shifts back to Hyungjoon. But then at the end of the video I wouldn't be so sure anymore, 'cos I like them all =X. Believe it or not, I don't have any clear favourite now.

That was really an enjoyable watch :).

I think the trio are doing great with their album/single activities, Hyunjoong with Boys Over Flowers and Jungmin with Grease, but I really miss the five boys together =(.